It's the end of August, which means fall is near! Haha, just kidding. In California it's definitely not fall yet. It is going to be a mere 109 degrees today. Not bad right? LOL. Anyway, for this month's craft challenge I decided to use old jewelry. I've been seeing cute little keychains everywhere and I decided to make my own. This is a super easy, yet cute craft. So let's "refashion" some old jewelry into new and improved keychains. :)
1. I gathered all the ribbons and trims that I wanted to use.
(P.S. I ended up not using the daisy trim. Definitely using it next time!)
2. I chose which ribbons I wanted and I laid them out as shown.
3. Then, I folded the ribbons in half and put them though the loop of the keychain.
4. I added some little lace trim pieces to the side and I tied them off really tightly with a thin piece of ribbon.
5. Next, I went to my stash and I picked out an old necklace.
6. With some pliers, I opened up two loops (circled in pink) and separated off the part of the necklace that I wanted to use.
7. Lastly, I folded the necklace in half and put it in the loop of the keychain (circled in pink). I closed off the keychain loop with pliers.
Want more craft inspiration? Check out what the other crafters created this August: