
How to Live a Christian Life...The "Right" Way // Scripture

How many times have you heard or read this verse? I'm pretty sure that many people have come across it at least once in their lifetime, if not more. Have we really grasped what it truly says though? I'm going to be real here. About a few days ago, I didn't fully understand the depth of this verse. I'm not afraid to admit this publicly online. After all, if anyone lacks wisdom, we should ask God who gives generously to all. (James 1:5). 

Going into this new year, I have been struggling with so much. I had magically hoped that God would just take all my problems away as soon as the clock hit midnight on New Year's Eve. But yes, I know, it doesn't work that way. (A girl could hope, right?) Anyways, one of the things I have struggled with for so long is, religion versus God. I have read countless articles, sat through numerous preachings, and prayed endless prayers asking for answers. I was desperately seeking for the "right" way to live a Christian life. Did I need to give to the poor? Did I need to donate my clothes or my time? Did I need to attend church every single time? Did I need to pray every single moment?

When I reached my breaking point, God spoke John 14:6 through someone near and dear to me. "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the father, except through me." It's so simple! It's funny how we humans try to analyze everything. We just want to know everything! I'm not saying that knowledge is bad, not at all. But, God makes it so simple for us to reach out to Him. Living a Christian life the "right" way is simply following Jesus. After all, the first thing Jesus mentions in John 14:6 is that He is the way. All the things I mentioned in the previous paragraph (donating, attending church, praying) are in no way wrong at all. But, to live a Christian life the "right" way, is not to focus on our own merits, but instead our focus should be 100% on God. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life! And God was so thoughtful enough to give us the gift of the Holy Spirit to help us on our path. (John 14:26)

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